Why Women's Empowerment?

We know that to transform communities we must start with women. address the five domains of women empowerment: Production (Decisions about crop and livestock production), resources (access to and decision making power about productive resources and assets, such as land, agricultural inputs, or credit), income (control of irrigated outputs and expenditures), leadership (involvement in cooperatives, community based organizations, and other social or economic groups, and time (allocation of time to agriculture, income generating activities, and domestic tasks). Reducing labor burden for women through appropriate technology and other strategies will relieve time allocated for some time-consuming activities for use in productive purposes.
Women are trained on new technologies, skills training, savings, and loan groups/ microcredit and other Income Generating Activities (IGAs) that they choose.
Women farmers trained on value addition options, market opportunities, and pricing; fertilizer, seed varieties and farming tools.