Many people living in poverty are unable to grow enough food to feed their families or produce enough to sell for additional income. Upendo Livelihoods provides resources and training to help farmers to produce more
Empowering individuals, especially women to transform lives and their communities.
Students compromise their future for lack of school fees, uniforms, text books and backpacks. Upendo Livelihoods addresses these barriers to help children to thrive and succeed.
A project of Upendo Livelihoods, Divine Mercy hospital, will serve hundreds of people in Ndalani village of Yatta, Kenya
Your donation will help transform lives
Our Programs

Farmers are trained on improved seed varieties, crop diversification, value addition options, market opportunities
Families are supported with access to resources of production

Students supported with fees and school supplies prepare children for success in life and in society.
See our blogs page
Our Programs
Goats are a source of income and provide food security for families
Providing safe water
Enable children, women and families to access good health and nutrition
Be part of our team and help us transform lives

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